Find out why everyone is going crazy to use this site, its a great concept and works so well
My Gig Jobs is a great new website for finding part time shifts in London! One of it’s main features is that it allows a company to search for staff, or to search for jobs which can be filtered by distance, industry, or previous ratings. The best part is that it’s completely free to sign up!

This website is amazing, It’s the perfect place to find shifts! It’s perfect for students from your phone to find a quick shift! If you want a couple of shifts but don’t have a consistent enough schedule or need time off to study then look no further.
It’s also perfect to get money for holidays, just when you need money the most! Need money for Christmas presents? Have a go on here, after all it’s completely free!

A really cool feature of this website is that it has google maps integrated into it and so you can see local shifts through the icons on the map! It’s brilliant for seeing how far away the jobs are at a glance! All of the shifts are part time and you can apply to as many as you can find near you!

Finding workers- My Gig Jobs is a fantastic website for companies looking to find people for part time shifts quickly! If a company’s regular employee cancels last minute? No problem, they find you a person pronto! Plus it helps you find the best people using it’s rating system! Businesses can rate their experience, which puts the best rated people at the top of the list, making them nice and easy to find!

Unlike some other companies, My Gig Jobs is completely free to find shifts and doesn’t take anything out of our wages! Businesses only have to pay the wages for the work they are offering plus a £1 to book each Gig

My Gig Jobs has a great system, it finds loads of shifts which pay by the hour and shows you exactly where on a map it is! It’s great to find a quick shift in London! It updates them regularly and has the most urgent ones at the top.

If you are looking for just work to suit your life and dont want to be tied down with contracts, this is the website that is ideal for you. Part time and shift work